Sunday 22 June 2014

Adele reportedly completes new album + plots Beyoncé-style release...

Get your iTunes cards ready! Adele is reportedly plotting a Beyoncé-style release for her third studio album, which is likely to be called '25.' According to Daily Star journo James Ingham, the album is written, recorded and finished.

The report states:
"The plan is to release internationally on iTunes as a complete surprise without any previous promotion or build-up publicity campaign. The shock tactics worked amazingly well for Beyoncé and the feeling is Adele's new album is so widely anticipated it doesn't need a long promotional build-up. No release date has yet been decided but then it is only Adele and a handful of trusted people will be privy to it." Source.

The surprise element is already gone, now that the "surprise" has been announced and picked up by other websites (Yahoo, etc). No one knew Beyoncé's album was coming which is why she pulled it off so brilliantly. She did it first and the effect won't be the same.

Besides, does she really want to be dubbed "the first artist to copy Beyoncé"? She's a high caliber artist and it would kind of hit her a little in the credibility stakes. She should just announce a release date and be done. It's not like she won't sell buckets in her first week.

There has been so many rumours surrounding this new album so I wouldn't be too quick to believe it or get excited.