Thursday 24 July 2014

Snapshots: Mariah Carey attends 'Hercules' premiere...

Mariah Carey attended the Hercules premiere in Hollywood on Wednesday night. The Rock plays the lead role, and Mariah was there to support her good friend Brett Ratner (he directed it). The film is adapted from the graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian Wars by Steve Moore.
Mariah's weight loss is quite commendable. However, wearing a dress two sizes too small is not the way to go. She obviously tried to suck in her gut for dear life only to achieve less favorable results. On a positive note, at least (for a change), she got kissed by a REAL man. My Rock is so sexy! Now, instead of helping to promote somebody's movie, go and start promoting your own damn album! Really, is that too much to ask? Jeez...
