Sunday 16 November 2014

Cheryl's 'Only Human' encounters poor album sales...


Cheryl's new album 'Only Human,' debuted at #7 on the Official UK Album chart reportedly pushing just 20,000 copies in its first week

Cheryl may hold the record for being that one British female artist to achieve the most UK number ones, but her album sales are just not reflective. 

Her debut album ‘3 Words’ had debuting numbers of 125,271 in 2009, her second album ‘Messy Little Raindrops’, opened with 105,431 in 2010. But her massive drop in album sales was noticeable in 2012’s ‘A Million Lights’ which opened with a lack luster 34,934 copies. 

In all fairness, album sales in general have been underwhelming. Other pop females have struggled too on that front. More recently, Nicole Scherzinger, Ariana Grande and Jessie J have all encountered low album sales in the UK with their releases this year. The difference is, those singers have actual singing talent, and all of a sudden, a silver lining can be found behind a Cheryl album prematurely losing its life span.