Saturday 13 December 2014

Beyoncé's 'RISE' is currently the best selling celebrity fragrance in the UK...

It's getting to that point where Forbes lists are becoming unbelievable if Beyoncé isn't dominating them. 

According to new reports, her 'Rise' perfume is expected to sell over 750,000 units in the UK, which will net her £1.5 million. This puts her in the position as having the biggest selling celebrity fragrance of 2014 in the UK.

I've smelt the fragrance while my poor self was having a free perfume shower over at House of Fraser. They always smell lovely, but then, even if they smelt like rotton cabbage and sour milk, they would still sell buckets all because her name is attached to them. Brand Beyoncé has been untouchable this year, and anything she has to sell and market, is almost guaranteed to do exceptionally well. 

Rihanna's 'Rogue' also charted at #7 selling 120,000 bottles.