Friday 31 July 2015

Leona Lewis performs ‘Thunder’ on ‘Kelly & Michael’...

It's sad that she's so talented yet nobody cares. Following a recent album showcase in the States this week, Leona Lewis performed her new U.S. single 'Thunder' on Kelly & Michael. Vocally, she did an amazing job, and made me like the song a little bit better.
However, this consistent empowerment trip of falling down and picking herself back up again throughout each song is something I can see myself getting tired of very quickly. I can't help but feel that had Calvin Harris gave her 'We Found Love' instead of Rihanna her career would be a very different state right now. Anyway, Leona is currently on a promo trip of the States, and while I'd like her to do well, I think her time there came and went. As for the track's upcoming visuals, she released some behind the scenes footage, which you can check out below.

Bonus: Sneak peak look at the 'Thunder' video: