Friday 19 August 2016

Justin Timberlake covers ‘Vanity Fair’

Justin Timberlake's cover for ‘Vanity Fair Italia’  has been shopped to the Gods, but at least his eyes look nice.
A new hairstyle is definitely in order, as this coif is just tired. I know I can't be the only one who feels he needs to bring "sexy back" with his natural curls. His new interview with the mag was to promote his movie 'Trolls', and he was asked, “if there’s any truth to the myth that in order to create, an artist must be depressed and a bit tormented.” His response? “It depends. In the past, suffering helped me write. ‘Cry Me a River’ was written in a moment of pain, and the whole world knew.” If you're not in the loop, Britney Spears allegedly cheated on him and that worldwide smash was the outcome.

Good tune too. I miss those days, when his music was worth listening to. Although ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling!’ enjoyed monumental success, it was so naff. Catchy, but still naff.

JT has been working on a new album with Timbaland and Pharrell Williams. It's not yet known when the project will be out as it's still in the early stages of production. "I don't know exactly what it's going to be yet 'cause we just really started," he said of the upcoming project during an interview with BBC Radio 1Xtra on May 11th.