Monday 26 September 2016

Britney Spears performs at iHeartRadio Festival 2016 (full show)

Britney's lip syncing game was so focus driven she even mimed her ass off to the Missy Elliott portions. 
A CD from 16 years ago was played in the background simply because Britney couldn't be assed to re-record the songs. The hair looked like a homage to Baby Spice circa 1996. Pigtail clip ons? Seriously? She would also make a great traffic warden with all the arm motioning. Lots of strutting around, and dancers had to help her to walk. Stage fright or anxiety perhaps? Britney's management know she has a new album out, yet every performance is a 'Piece of Me' mashup. For the most part, it seemed she had a bit of fun here and there, despite some awkwardness and lack of fluidity.

'Glory' is in stores now.
