Saturday 17 September 2016

Tinashe's sexy performances of 'Superlove' + 'Company' on Wonderland 🎤

Tinashe serves up a dance-heavy performance of 'Joyride' singles 'Superlove' and 'Company' on MTV's new show 'Wonderland.' 
Tinashe has choreography for days

She DID that! 'Superlove' had the right energy/vibe, though starting off nice and soft, and going IN towards the end. This was a pretty good performance. 'Company' is a cute song. But it's missing something. There's no knock to it, no climax, no transition. It's a bit too samey, and repetitive. It could even have done with a rapper or something. But at least she managed to sell the performance. Check 'em out below!