Thursday 15 December 2016

Rita Ora spills on new album

Rita Ora tells Billboard that her new album on Atlantic Records will be UK (London) themed. 
Heard it all before?

She wants it to represent her love of grime music and English rap, and reveals it is one of her proudest musical achievements. Peep some interesting quotes below.

"I’ve worked with some incredible people, like Stargate, and I’ve really taken it back into time. Even Nile Rodgers put down some cool guitar riffs on there."
"I wrote everything on this record, it’s all live music, obviously mixed with some great beats. It’s all about melody and my love for soul and harmonies. It’s the first time I’ve ever been proud of my music."
Song titles:
"There’s a song called 'I’m Not Afraid,' that talks about everything that people may think I’ve run away from. There’s a song called 'Soul Survivor.' It’s not a dwelling record -- this is a happy record. It’s about breaking through. It’s like a rebirth."
It would be nice if her hosting duties on America's Next Top Model were to help her music career. But sadly, she's had so many failed attempts, it may be difficult for her to come back from. As a result, the odds of her career taking off outside the UK and Europe are very slim. Call it Scherzinger syndrome if you want. They both have the perfect image, but share a horrible ear for picking out a hit potential song. Being able to win interest from the masses has also been another struggle of theirs. She does have some talent, so hopefully at some point she can succeed in getting that much needed breakthrough.

Rita Ora talks 'America's Next Top Model,' musical hiatus, & love life on 'Wendy':