Wednesday 17 October 2018

Cassie & Diddy are officially dunzo!

Cassie's rep confirms she and Diddy are officially no longer together. What did she get out of it? Chick wasted her entire youth on this man, and for what? She was better off staying with Ryan Leslie. At least R-Les seemed more invested in her career, while Diddy just wanted a hot trophy girlfriend to parade around on red carpets. At the time, Diddy seemed like a much hotter prospect. His wealth could easily break the bank, he had major influence/power and was well connected. As a 19-year-old starting out in the industry, I could see how Cassie would find the appeal in that. Of course Diddy used it to his advantage.

Then one day Cassie wakes up and she's 30-years-old. It's then that Diddy decides to trade her in for a younger model, 26-year-old Jocelyn Chew. On a positive note, Cassie is still beautiful and can still bag herself a hot, young and wealthy entrepreneur without dealing with the baggage of multiple baby mamas.