Monday 5 February 2024

Beyoncé’s appearance at the Grammys turned into a celebrity "meet & greet."

The queue of celebrities that lined up to get their photo op with Beyoncé was absolutely insane. Whenever she  shows up to an event, it immediately turns into a Beyoncé meet & greet. In other words, she is basically your favorite celebrity’s favorite celebrity, putting all the fandoms into a right tizzy! The singer, who brought that rodeo flair, showed up to the Grammy Awards dripping in Pharrell Williams' Louis Vuitton collection and served pure cowboy core. All while pushing her meet & greet  right in the middle of the ceremony! She will forever be Mother of the House!


  1. No idea who half those celebs are.

    Thought Blu was actually Beyoncé for a sec. How old is she now with her little chest haha.

  2. The skin bleaching and platinum blonde hair are not helping Beyonce.
