Sunday 7 April 2024

Levi’s stock jumps 20% boosted by Beyoncé’s ‘LEVIIS JEANS’ featuring Post Malone...

Beyoncé single handedly is inspring a lot of people to buy a pair of Levi’s, and the power she has over fans is wild. Levi's stock rose 20%, boosted by her ‘Cowboy Carter’ track “Levii's Jeans” featuring Post Malone. Levi's capitalized on its Beyoncé-fuelled moment by changing its account name on Instagram to "Levii's" to reflect the title spelling of her new song. 
Red Lobster enjoyed a significant boost after "Lemonade", as did silver and metallic clothing during her "Renaissance" tour. This woman's impact...


  1. Probably my favourite song on the album. And Levi’s jeans are so comfortable - mine have a very subtle stretch to the material that is so satisfying.

  2. Why not just change the name of this boring blog to “Beyoncé world”. Clown
