Friday 20 December 2019

Twitter removes K. Michelle's tweet telling Camila Cabello to eat sausage.

K. Michelle gets censored!
K. Michelle had some very stern words to say to Camila Cabello, after more racist behaviours from her were exposed through Tumblr
this week.

I won't repeat the tweet (it's gone, but you can still see the quote.) The tweet has vanished and has now been replaced with, "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules." It seems that if an army of Camila Cabello fans report a tweet, then Twitter will listen and remove it (they were all up in this woman's comments yesterday FUMING and foaming at the mouth!)

I mean, is Twitter going to delete the hundreds of tweets that have used the same phrase against other people, or will they delete the hundreds of tweets that use racial slurs against others too? Twitter is being very selective right now.