Jennifer Lopez covers ELLE’s 2023 "Women in Hollywood" issue...

With a new album and film ready to make its ascent, Jennifer Lopez graces the cover of Elle's 2023 Women in Hollywood issue. 

In the issue (out now), J.Lo says women just get sexier as they get older. This doesn't just stem from outside beauty but inside beauty too, where wisdom is also gained with age. She also says that she could very well continue to work up until old age... be it 70, 80 or even 90! 

Excerpts below.

On the growing number of roles for older women:
People have realized that women just get sexier as they get older. They get more learned and more rich with character. All of that is very beautiful and attractive, and not just physically, but on the inside, the beauty that you gain as you get older, the wisdom you gain.

On her career:
I see myself working [as long as] I want to. I don’t know what that age is. It might be 70, it might be 80, it might be 90, I don’t know. But I know that it’s there for me if I want it and I want to create it. That has always been the mindset that I’ve had: to never let anybody put me in a box because of where I was born, where I’m from, what age I am, anything like that. Those boundaries don’t exist for me.

On making projects for and about women: 
People were laying the groundwork for this for a long time. It’s just that sometimes it takes time to move these mountains and these old ideas and paradigms and shift them to a place where there’s real change. We have been able to stand in our own power and say, "we’re not going to be taken advantage of." We’re not just on the corners of life or on the outside of the stories. We are the stories.

On what she wishes she knew before breaking into Hollywood: 
One of those things was to be more particular with my choices. And I didn’t have that luxury, being Latina. I didn’t get called in for everything someone who wasn’t Latina would get called in for. I got called in for very specific things. As I started getting more leads here and there, I should have pulled back. I took that mindset with me instead of going, ‘I should only work with certain kinds of directors that I really want to work with. I should choose this material in a different way.’ I just wasn’t as particular as I could be, I think. And if I [could] start over, I think I would’ve done that. I would’ve known that the director is really the helm of the project when you’re acting. Just like in singing, the producers you work with are very important. I knew that with music, but I didn’t quite understand it as much when I was younger about directors.

On what’s next: 
I want to keep evolving. And whether I’ll take the helm and direct my own film at one point is a possibility. I’ve talked about it. I’ve been offered to direct a couple of things, and I’ve turned [them] down, just because of time constraints and things like that. I can’t tell you, ‘I’m going to direct three movies, and I’m going to do this, and I’m going to do that.’ But I can say that I will keep evolving as an artist and as a performer and producer and in all of the ways to create the projects that I decide to be involved with—and I hope that that never stops.

Check out her cover story here.