Beyoncé stuns for the 2024 Super Bowl | Check out "Act II" visualizers: "Texas Hold ‘Em" & "16 Carriages."

Beyoncé's promotional campaign for her new album ‘Act II’ shows the singer is on a roll, and pulling out the stops.
The star unlocks two visualizers for her newly dropped singles "Texas Hold ‘Em" and "16 Carriages," and shares photos from her slaying looks at last night's Super Bowl. This is great though. She's not dropping breadcrumbs. She's dropping the entire banquet!
Check 'em all out below...


Anonymous said...

What is with Bey pumping up her body (you know what I mean - BBL and breast augmentation), wearing less clothes than kim K (did you see that thing she had over her coochie in the cover art??) and constantly being naked on her covers? Girl you are talented, you don't need to do all of this!!