Again?!?! Rita Ora pushes back new album to next year...

Pst! Rita Ora's long-awaited new album has been delayed by her X Factor commitments, and won't be out until next year. 
Speaking to The Standard, she reveals: “I was wishing it would come out this year, but realistically it’s not. Physically I wouldn’t be able to achieve the success I want with the X Factor and the album, so I’m going to do it one at a time." Um, R.I.P.

Is this chick truly invested in her music career any more? I don't think she is to be honest. This album was meant to drop a year and a half ago. This is the third push back and I'm sure there will be many more to come. The previous delay was understandable because of the Calvin Harris drama, but she never had to do X Factor. I suspect the money was just too good to walk away from, as simply put, Rita's music career isn't generating that kind of income.

Most of her money is made from lucrative fashion and promotional campaigns. Not to mention that her failing relationships and wacky wardrobe choices gets talked about more than the actual music.  It's becoming more and more evident that Ora enjoys being a socialite more than an actual recording artist. Oh, it's weird she's blaming X Factor for her album delay when fellow X Factor judge Cheryl Cole always uses it as a platform to capitalize and successfully promote her albums. The excuse given is just weak and I don't buy it for one second. It's clear the delay is partially down to her Chris Brown assisted single ‘Body On Me’ having very little impact on both sides of the pond. Good luck to her because at this point, she's going to need it.