Beyoncé promotes Kelly's new single.

Beyoncé has taken to Instagram to promote Kelly Rowland's new single 'Coffee.' In more recent times, Beyoncé doesn't really do that unless it's a new release from her sister Solange.

That said, Bey has always insisted Kelly is her sister anyway. They grew up together and even lived together with Beyoncé's parents. It's nice she's giving that support because a basic song like 'Coffee' is going to need all the support it gets.


Anonymous said...

You are so shaady Toya. What is a banger song for you? Uptempo? Look at Alicia, Underdog is not that phénoménal and it is enjoying great success. Maybe you're just comparons Kelly to whatever Beyonce has done.

Toya said...

'Underdog' is actually one of Alicia's best song in years though. Kelly's music appears to fall backwards for a lack of a better word. If the song was any good, I'd have said so. I have no problems giving Kelly props where props is due.

Unknown said...

Kelly made her song KELLY for her haters...

xyz said...

it doesn't make you a hater, if you just don't like the song. And the song's just not that good. I would love it as an interlude on an album though

Unknown said...

Ask Janet Jackson do she like it.