Rihanna MIGHT be releasing something on Friday...

Don't fall for it, just yet. We've heard this rumour a million times already, but Rihanna might be dropping new music/info on Friday.
With her hyped up announcement that she has finally finished recording 'ANTi,' she 'liked' a tweet by a fan a few hours ago. Not just any old tweet, but a tweet that reads, "3 more days till friday." And her name wasn't included in the tweet either. It's no secret that Rihanna follows some of her biggest fan accounts and interacts with them through DMs. It's very much possible the fan actually knows something we don't.

So what do you think we might be getting this Friday? Surely not the actual album. That would be sloppy as hell. An announcement of new single? The actual single? Album release date? The opening of room 8? Watch this space!

  is international, and trending world wide on Twitter!

