Rihanna reportedly shortlisted to headline Coachella...

Following her hotly anticipated Super Bowl performance in February, social media and unconfirmed reports has now attached Rihanna to just about every single major festival there is. The latest festival being Coachella. Hits Daily Double has placed her on the shortlist, prior to rumoured performances at UK's Glastonbury and 'The Town Festival' in São Paulo. 

A lot of Super Bowl headliners use the platform to strike while the iron is hot. So often times than not, the performance is used to coincide with an album release or a major tour announcement (rumoured). In a recent interview, Rihanna kind of shut down a new album release, leaving fans bitterly disappointed. Sure, 'Lift Me Up' was a nice welcome, but not really what her fans wanted. If Rihanna was going to release a new project, doing it during all of that SB momentum would have been perfect. 

It just seems like a wasted opportunity and further obliterates any hope that we get a full blown musical comeback. Album or no album, the new mommy of one is just lucky she has a plethora of fun, fast food pop hits that have become palpable to white audiences over the years... 15 years to be exact. Maybe she will release a new album in her own time. Maybe she won't. Fenty Beauty is on course to net her another cool billion and well, returning to her old music career is no longer a priority. 

But for now, Riri is pretty much saying that any large platforms she performs at (be it SB, Coachella or Glastonbury) will be done using old music while potentially bringing back her iconic p*ssy pats. Throw in some dutty whining and shimmying across the stage as well. Hell, yeah. Super Bowl is going to be a blast.


Anonymous said...

Lol toya hater much 🤣🤣🤣