Ariana Grande parts ways with manager Scooter Braun...

Is Scooter Braun having a bitter summer? Billboard confirms that Ariana Grande is no longer managed by Braun. They have worked together for a decade, and her music career shot to great heights. However, he overstepped in her personal life while managing her professional life and she fired him in 2016 for not respecting her boundaries. We also know he's a pig after he blind sighted Taylor Swift and bought her masters right from underneath her. Something in the water isn't clean if Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato are also disbanding themselves. Braun is said to be the king of payola and both Ariana and JB have allegedly benefited from that hugely. The fact that they have walked after he did a lot for them career wise probably means something sinister and shady was going on behind the scenes.