Madonna is being sued for late concert starts...

Bitch better have my money! Biiiiiiitch. 

Two men have just filed a class action against Madonna for starting her concerts late. Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden are suing the singer and Live Nation for "false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair and deceptive trade practices." They claim concertgoers were “left stranded in the middle of the night” and point out that the concert took place on a weeknight, meaning they “had to get up early to go to work” the next day. The Brooklyn show, scheduled to start at 8:30pm ET didn't end up starting until 10:30pm. They paid for pricey tickets listed at $155.90 and $292.50, respectively and felt their money was wasted considering how late she was. 

Should artists be held accountable for extreme tardiness to shows where people are paying hundreds of dollars for tickets? Absolutely. I haven't been to many concerts but I have seen BeyoncĂ©, Usher and Alicia Keys and one thing I will say is that they were all prompt. Of course I'd be pissed if they made me wait over 2 hours. Artists are simply playing themselves being late and shortening the concert after fans pay $500+ for tickets. Not only is it disrespectful to the fans, it is just very unprofessional. Of course this has completely gone over Madonna's head because she is notorious for lateness. Fans complained when she turned up THREE hours late for her "Rebel Heart" concerts years ago.  A lot of pop stars are too lax with people's time (and money). If more people sued (and won), this would set a precedent, and rightfully so!