Beyoncé unmasks new haircare line CÉCRED in new commercial...

“Hair is sacred.” 

Beyoncé is gearing up to drop her new haircare line, CÉCRED. The name itself is obviously a play on the word “sacred” and her own name, with the line launching February 20th. Some folks question whether Bey is the right person to drop a haircare line since she wears a lot of wigs. They feel this is just another cash grab. Bey has worn her own hair on many occasions and her mother Tina has also shown Bey's hair to be healthy and long. Blue Ivy's hair is also gorgeous (remember when she was a baby and folks were clowning her hair?) There's absolutely no reason why a haircare line from Beyoncé wouldn't be legit.



Anonymous said...

I thought the name had something to do with Creole lol