Rihanna OFFICIALLY becomes richest musician in the world, after Kanye West loses his billionaire status...

After Kanye West’s net worth plummeted to $400 million due to his anti-semitic comments and companies dropping their contracts and relations with him, Rihanna becomes the world’s richest musician with a net worth of $1.7 BILLION. That new Forbes ranking next year will certainly be brutal. Vogue and Anna Wintour officially cut ties with the embattled rapper as did Balenciaga and more recently, GAP and Adidas. CAA, one of the biggest talent agencies in the world, dropped him as a client and lawyer Camille Vasquez also ditched him as a client after he doubled and tripled-down on his anti-Semitic remarks over the weekend. Instagram and Twitter both put restrictions on his account, stadium shows have been cancelled and a documentary shelved. Even Rihanna herself became victim to West's unhinged attacks. LADIES & GENTLEMEN, THIS IS WHAT CANCEL CULTURE TRULY LOOKS LIKE. This man should have been cancelled a very long time ago, and if this doesn't push him over the edge, it certainly WILL now. 

Before losing his lucrative partnership with Adidas, West was previously the richest musician in the world, according to the list below: 


Anonymous said...

So..... this is further proof that these artists are not worth a Billion dollars liquid, just their assets & the value of the company they represent? Got it!

Toya said...

Smoke and mirrors, but it's always been that way.